Dura Lex, Sed Lex

Innovation or Invasion? The Dual Nature of AI in Modern Society

Dura Lex, Sed Lex Season 3 Episode 2

🎙️🎧Hello and welcome back to this new episode of Dura Lex sed Lex: Innovation or Invasion? The dual nature of AI in modern society. Have you ever wondered when using chatbots such as ChatGPT, who owns the input and output and how your data is used? In today’s episode we are going to provide an answer to these questions. We are briefly going to touch upon the history of AI and analyse the growing impacts AI is having on surveillance, criminal justice and privacy. The growth of AI and its prominent role in our daily lives has risen many questions as to whether a new legal framework is need or whether the existing legal framework can be adapted in wake of these emerging technologies. Join us in this new discussion and satisfy your curiosity. 🌎🚀 

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