Dura Lex, Sed Lex

No Place to Call Home: Exploring the Plight of the Stateless

December 01, 2023 • Dura Lex, Sed Lex • Season 3 • Episode 1

🎙️✨ Exciting News! Our upcoming podcast episode, "No Place to Call Home: Exploring the Plight of the Stateless," is set to drop this Friday. In this deep dive, we'll embark on a journey covering the essence of statelessness—what it is, its causes, the global situation, the myriad challenges faced, and the complex legal frameworks in place. Join us as we shed light on the untold stories and complexities surrounding statelessness. Stay tuned for a thought-provoking exploration into this often-overlooked issue. 🚀 #DuraLexSedLex #NewEpisodeAlert #HumanRights #ComingSoon🎙️✨


    Blanka Ujvari, 'The Causes of Statelessness' (2017) 2017 Hungarian YB Int'l L & Eur L 105
    Case C-135/08
Janko Rottman v Freistaat Bayern [2010] ECR I-01449
    Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness (signed 30 August 1961, entered into force 13 December 1975) 989 UNTS 175
     Convention Relating to the Status of Stateless Persons (adopted 28 September 1954, entered into force 6 June 1960) 360 UNTS 117
    Council of Europe Convention on the Avoidance of Statelessness in relation to State Succession (signed 19 May 2006, entered into force 1 May 2009) 2650 UNTS 305
    Vienna Convention on succession of States in respect of Treaties (signed 23 August 1978, entered into force 6 November 1996) 1946 UNTS 3
    Gordon S, ‘China’s Hidden Children: Denied Documents and at Risk of Statelessness’ (
European Network on Statelessness, 19 January 2017) <https://www.statelessness.eu/updates/blog/chinas-hidden-children-denied-documents-and-risk-statelessness> accessed 28 November 2023
    Manby B, ‘The Right to a Nationality and the Secession of South Sudan: A Commentary on the Impact of the New Laws’ (
Open Society Foundations, June 2012) <https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/publications/right-nationality-and-secession-south-sudan-commentary-impact-new-laws> accessed 28 November 2023
    Shaun, ‘Difference between Jus Soli and Jus Sanguinis: EuroPassport Inc.: Blog’ (
EuroPassport Inc., 27 July 2022) <https://europassport.ca/2021/10/28/what-is-the-difference-between-jus-soli-and-jus-sanguinis/> accessed 28 November 2023
    UNHCR, Background Note on Gender Equality, Nationality Laws and Statelessness 2023, 7 March 2023
    United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, ‘Background Note on Gender Equality, Nationality Laws and Statelessness 2023’ (
Refworld, 7 March 2023) <https://www.refworld.org/docid/640751284.html> accessed 28 November 2023
    ‘Global Action Plan to End Statelessness: 2014 – 2024’ (
UNHCR) <https://www.unhcr.org/ibelong/global-action-plan-2014-2024/> accessed 28 November 2023
    ‘Global Developments on Statelessness’ (
European Union Agency for Asylum) <https://euaa.europa.eu/asylum-report-2023/15-global-developments-statelessness> accessed 28 November 2023
    ‘Rohingya Refugee Crisis Explained’ (
USA for UNHCR. The Un Refugee Agency, 23 August 2023) <https://www.unrefugees.org/news/rohingya-refugee-crisis-explained/#:~:text=Despite%20living%20in%20Myanmar%20for,the%20world’s%20largest%20stateless%20population.> accessed 28 November 2023
    ‘Syria The Silenced Kurds’ (
Human Rights Watch, October 1996) <https://www.hrw.org/reports/1996/Syria.htm#:~:text=93%2C%20issued%20in%20August%201962,the%20border%20from%20Turkish%20Kurdistan> accessed 28 November 2023
     â€˜UN Conventions on Statelessness’ (
UNHCR) <https://www.unhcr.org/what-we-do/protect-human-rights/ending-statelessness/un-conventions-statelessness> a

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