Dura Lex, Sed Lex

Discussing the Right to Protest in the Netherlands - A Dialogue with Student Activists

Dura Lex, Sed Lex
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00:00:00 | 01:00:33

Welcome back to another episode of Dura Lex Sed Lex. As you may have seen, either in action or online, a lot is happening at RuG at the moment, as well as other universities throughout the Netherlands. As previously discussed with Dr Susanne Täuber, academic freedom seems to be questioned. A concern that has sparked outrage online and offline and resulted in numerous protests in Groningen. In other cities, such as Amsterdam, protests were caused by several factors, including the University of Amsterdam's partnership with Shell, the global corporate giant responsible for large-scale destruction of the environment.   

Thus, on this week's podcast, we will discuss the right to protest and interview activists from multiple student organisations. In the first part of this episode, Eva and Georgia will talk about the European and Dutch laws that protect the right to protest. 

Furthermore, in the second part of the episode we will hear from Alissa, one of the  Dura Lex Sed Lex founders. She sat down with activists from the Amsterdam Autonomous Coalition (AAC) and Activisten Partij/Activist Party who are operating at the UvA in Amsterdam and were involved in the recent protests of January 13th and May 13th. They talk about their organisations, their goals and motivations, and discuss in detail what was going on at the protests. We would like to thank them for their participation in this interview, especially in the aftermath of such a violent altercation where several of their members were injured or arrested. We believe sharing these stories is paramount to promoting their cause and we stand in solidarity with them.

Please check out their socials and learn how to further support their cause: 
Activisten Partij UvA: https://www.instagram.com/activistenpartijuva/
Amsterdam Autonomous Coalition: https://www.instagram.com/amsterdamautonomouscoalition/

As this will be this season’s  last episode, we wanted to thank you for tuning in over the last two years. This has been a wonderful journey and we are thankful that we could help spread information and educate people in such a unique and fun manner. 

All the best  -  your Dura Lex Sed Lex Team

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