Dura Lex, Sed Lex
Dura Lex, Sed Lex
Dr. Susanne Täuber: An Attack on Academic Freedom? A Conversation with Dr. Susanne Täuber about her Case, Academic Freedom and the Treatment of Protesters.
Welcome back to the latest episode of Dura Lex Sed Lex Podcast- this week’s episode is with Dr. Susanne Täuber, who has been a figurehead of the #AmINext movement in Groningen recently. Dr. Täuber was employed at the University of Groningen up until recently, where she was very publicly fired by RUG. The issue of her case has sparked many protests throughout the city, and showcases of national and international support from other academics. Dr. Täuber’s field of expertise lies in social psychology, and in her research she looks at the factors that obstruct the translation of policy into actual organisational change. In the past this specifically looked at gender quotas and diversity programmes.
In this episode Dr. Täuber joined us to talk about her case, academic freedom, patriarchal structures in academia and the treatment of protesters/whistleblowers. This episode was very interesting to record and very topical at the moment for RUG students and non-RUG students alike.
We are very honoured that Dr. Täuber took the time to talk to us and we hope you will enjoy this very interesting episode! Make sure to follow us on Instagram @duralexsedlexpod and Linkdin 'Dura Lex Sed Lex Podcast'.
Stay tuned for more,
-your DuraLexSedLex team.
The sources that Dr. Täuber used in the episode:
A link to Dr. Täuber's Open Letter and her GoFundMe: