Dura Lex, Sed Lex
Dura Lex, Sed Lex
The History and The Impact of Populism in Italy
In our second episode we will discuss the role of Populism in Italy, its history in the 20th century and its return in recent years.
In the first part of our episode, our hosts Eva and Georgia will examine the political history of Italy and how populism shaped the 20th century. We will pay attention to its implications on minorities, specifically LGBTQ+ people.
Moreover, we will take a closer look at the current political climate, thus, in the second part of the episode, Elena and Eva will be joined by some special guests. To get a better insight, we invited our Italian friends Edoardo, Enrico and Mic to talk about how the topic of populism is discussed in Italy and how their lives have been affected by this year's elections.
We had a lot of fun producing this episode and hope you have just as much fun listening to it!
Thank you for tuning in to our second episode of season 2!
And stay tuned for more
- your Dura Lex Sed Lex team