Dura Lex, Sed Lex
Dura Lex, Sed Lex
Legal Implications of Self-Driving Cars - with Bashar Fteiha
New Episode, New Season, New Team!
Dura Lex Sed Lex underwent some changes in the summer period. And now we are happy to announce the new team who will be continuing with this amazing project.
In this episode you get to briefly meet and hear from the new members - Elena, Eva, Georgia and Darina - who will be with you as creators of this season.
In our first episode of Season 2 Dura Lex Sed Lex dived into the interesting world of self-driving vehicles.
Autonomous driving and particularly its legal implication is not only part of the second year of the International law LLB program but is also a very current and interesting topic. Luckily, we were able to get a hold of Bashar Fteiha who is a Ph.D. researcher at the University of Groningen. He, as our guest speaker, was there to help us understand this legally complex topic by providing his expert opinion on different aspects. In the episode we discussed general definitions and functions of autonomous cars, current legal questions and solutions to their infiltration into daily use, and even possible cyber-effects and risks both in law and in fact.
If you have any question or want to receive more information on the topic you can contact Bashar here: b.a.m.fteiha@rug.nl
We hope you liked this episode as it sets the start to many new creations in the Second Season of the podcast and if you have any suggestions or comments or if you are just interested in our work, you can follow us on our social media @duralexsedlex. We will be more than happy to receive any feedback or support from our listeners.
See you very soon in the next episode!